How Much Does Crown Lengthening Cost in Hartford County, CT?

How Much Does Crown Lengthening Cost in Hartford County, CT?

TeamCrown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a simple periodontal procedure that removes excess gum tissue from around the teeth. It can be used both cosmetically and to support the installation of crowns and bridges.   Please consult with Dr. Holzinger to receive an individual estimate for crown lengthening.

Why Crown Lengthening is Necessary

Crown lengthening may be necessary for two reasons: to support a restoration or to improve your smile's aesthetics.

Functional Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is often called for when a patient needs a crown or bridge. If excess gum tissue grows around the tooth, there will not be enough accessible surface to attach the crown or bridge. The periodontist removes this extra tissue, allowing the dentist to install a necessary bridge or crown during a later appointment.  Crown lengthening may also be needed if a cavity reaches too far below the gum line.  By doing crown lengthening, the cavity will be better exposed for your general dentist to do the final restoration.  

Cosmetic Crown Lengthening

Many people feel self-conscious about a "gummy" smile. They may think that their gums grow down too far and that not enough of their tooth surface is visible for an aesthetically pleasing smile. The periodontist can trim the gums and contour them to produce an attractive appearance.

The Crown Lengthening Process

Crown lengthening is a simple, straightforward procedure. After the periodontist numbs the gum tissue with local anesthesia, they remove the excess tissue and a small amount of bone. The periodontist then rinses the area with a sterile saline solution. They then suture the gums and may place a bandage to encourage healing.

The procedure itself will not be painful, thanks to local anesthesia. After crown lengthening, there may be some soreness and swelling. The periodontist will provide appropriate medication. 

Resting after your procedure and avoiding heavy exertion for a few days is best. It will take six weeks to three months for your gums to heal. After the gums have sufficiently healed, your dentist can place the crown or bridge.

Insurance Coverage for Crown Lengthening

In some cases, insurance may not cover the procedure when the periodontist performs crown lengthening for cosmetic reasons. When crown lengthening supports other necessary functions like crowns and bridges, it is more likely to be covered. Talk to our helpful staff about the details of your insurance coverage.

Call Holzinger Periodontics & Dental Implants

Your dentist may refer you to a periodontist if they determine that you need crown lengthening. If your gums need attention, call Holzinger Periodontics & Dental Implants.

Contact us at our Middletown or New Britain offices to learn more about our crown lengthening services and make an appointment. Our practice serves the greater Hartford County, CT area.